It’s Time to Consider a Relay Race!
Hi there blog readers! As cooler weather approaches, you might be feeling inspired to get out and do a little more running. You might be...
Today I Didn't Do Anything Stupid- Accountability in Nutritional Tracking
If you are struggling with your nutritional plan, and the track you are taking for better eating, I hope to offer some advice. Stay tuned...
What It Was Like To Run My First 50K
From a certain run streaker perspective, the 50K is nothing short of a completely mad idea. Although I only run my minimum of one daily...
Squash Injury At It's Base
The reason repetitive stress seems to be winning out with impact activity begins with the forces of impact, and our loading response. Groun
Home Made is Best When Cutting Dairy
There are near entire aisles in the grocery devoted to every type of milk substitute you can dream up. The problem is, you aren't neces
My Favorite Recipe & A Book Review
So let’s have that kitchen magic I was talking about begin with this snack. Although I eat eggs, greens and avocado almost everyday for brea
Perfectly Round Bruises? A Brief Overview of Myofascial Decompression, AKA Cupping
Myofascial decompression has literally saved my run streak, an athletic dedication that brings me immense satisfaction.
Running in The Rain. Keeping to Intentions Brings Unexpected Reward.
While I may want or need to take a day off from what I plan to do, it’s never a sound decision to take a day off entirely from the intention
Will It Make You Happy? A New Years Question to a Run Streaker
I’ll start with my run streak story, after all, most people wonder why I run every single day. What if I’m sick, injured, need rest, have a